Momming On The Go
Walk with me as I live life and see God at work in the good, the hard, and all the in-between. I've experienced death, fear, muddy hands, love, forgiveness, and even potty-training. Life is not always easy but I am not alone in living it and neither are you.
Momming On The Go
Emotions: When Your Heart Leaks Out Onto Your Face
Episode 21
We watched a movie about emotions the other day that elicited lots of emotions from our kids. They reminded me that God created us to have feelings and emotions. Sometimes the emotions are pleasant and sometimes they aren’t. As we identify our emotions we can teach our kids to identify their emotions too. When we identify our emotions it is easier to figure out what to do with them.
If you need a counselor, here is a website recommended by one of my counseling professors who is a trustworthy psychologist:
If you have been encouraged, let me know! If you want to be encouraged, let me know that too!
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